Abstracting with Functions

Abstracting with Functions

Reusing code one piece at a time 3 H 7 M

In this series, we will take a look at creating functions as a way to collect logic into a reusable chunk. If you want to explore how to create and utilize functions to make your code more readable and maintainable, then join us there!

Abstracting with Functions
Algorithmic Problem Solving

Algorithmic Problem Solving

Problem Solving Step by Step 4 H 37 M

When you are first start programming, solving problems can be difficult. Since the entire impetus for learning programming is to solve a multitude of problems with a computer, the difficulties can lead to frustration. However, in this course, we are going to approach a problem with a method that can help alleviate those issues. Join us as we develop our problem-solving toolkit!

Algorithmic Problem Solving
Applied Fundamentals: Guess the Number

Applied Fundamentals: Guess the Number

Simple Yet Effective Programming 2 H 41 M

If you still are working on honing your programming skills, then building something simple can help that skill development along. In this training, we are going to build another simple game that allow you to flex your programming muscles.

Applied Fundamentals: Guess the Number
Applied Fundamentals: Hangman

Applied Fundamentals: Hangman

Programming Projects to Cement our Understanding 3 H 34 M

Learning a the fundamentals of programming is very empowering, but the next question is how can I use it? We are going to use some of the skills and knowledge that you have acquired to build a childhood game, Hangman, on in the command line environment. Let’s get started!

Applied Fundamentals: Hangman
Chat App with React and Firebase

Chat App with React and Firebase

Real Time Data with React 8 H 30 M

React and Firebase are two technologies that are becoming more and more mainstream. You may have heard of both, but how do the pieces fit together? Join us in this training as we take React and build a chat application that leverages Firebase for all of the backend services. You will discover building React components, using Firebase observers to sync data to your front-end application, the difference between Stateful and Stateless Functional Components, and much more. If you are looking to level up your understanding of React and Firebase, then we will see you there!

Chat App with React and Firebase
Data Representation and Serialization

Data Representation and Serialization

What does that data look like? 11 H 1 M

In this training, we take a look at common formats for saving, reading, and shuffling data around such as Comma Separated Values (CSV), JavaScript Object Notation (JSON), YAML Ain’t Markup Language (YAML), and eXtensible Markup Language (XML). If you want to know more about these data formats as well as how to interact with these different data representation using Python, then we will see you there!

Data Representation and Serialization
Dive into the Python Standard Library

Dive into the Python Standard Library

All the tools you didn’t know you already had 5 H 11 M

In this training, our trainer demonstrates the power of the glob module. This is part of the Python Standard Library. This module uses patterns to create a list, or iterator, of files and folders for iterating over providing a way to select files that satisfy a construct just like you would in Bash.

Dive into the Python Standard Library
Getting Technical with the Terminal

Getting Technical with the Terminal

Comfort with the Command-line 2 H 4 M

In this training, we are going to learn the basics of using the command-line interface. If you have ever been scared when the cursor shows up on a seemingly blank screen or wondered what the Terminal or cmd application can accomplish, then stay tuned to learn the basics and increase your productivity.

Getting Technical with the Terminal
HTML, CSS and Bootstrap

HTML, CSS and Bootstrap

Responsive Web Design 3 H 20 M

This course introduces basic concepts for building web pages using HTML which gives structure to the content such as defining paragraphs and images and CSS which defines the appearance of the content such as colors and fonts. It also introduces bootstrap which is a collection of tools and templates for use with HTML and CSS.

HTML, CSS and Bootstrap
HTML5 Canvas Graphics and Animations

HTML5 Canvas Graphics and Animations

Your very own digital canvas! 10 H 48 M

HTML5 Canvas elements bring art and animation to the browser. In this training, we explore the capabilities of the HTML5 Canvas element in conjunction with JavaScript. This includes simple “pen” drawings, image displaying, image manipulation, and animations. Knowing HTML5 Canvas provides a great way to start with in-browser games as well as expressing those artistic desires. Hope to see you there!

HTML5 Canvas Graphics and Animations
HTML5 Canvas Projects

HTML5 Canvas Projects

Learn HTML5 Canvas by doing 15 H 29 M

With the advent of the HTML5 Canvas tag, the world of graphical manipulation in the browser has become a reality. This training is an exploration of some the possibility that are available when using the canvas element. The ultimate aim is to use project-based exploration of the capabilities of the HTML5 Canvas element by building games as well as some utilities. Along the way, you may learn some other interesting JavaScript uses. See you there!

HTML5 Canvas Projects
Intro to AngularJS

Intro to AngularJS

A Widely Used Web Framework 10 H 29 M

In this training, our trainer takes a look at AngularJS, a web framework that has been around for a while. He demonstrates the use of the basics of AngularJS as well as discusses preferred practices for creating application code as well as organizing code. Some of the topics that he discusses are: the use of controllers, what is $scope and how to eliminate the use of $scope, using the built-in directives to render lists, handle events, and dynamically style your application. If you are interested in learning more about AngularJS, then join us!

Intro to AngularJS
Intro to Ansible

Intro to Ansible

Agentless infrastructure management planning 13 H 45 M

Administering and configuring infrastructure is a necessary but sometimes very difficult undertaking. Manual configuration of infrastructure is a full time job that takes away from other valuable activities that is prone to errors and difficulties in reproducing system state. Ansible allows one to create plans for managing infrastructure using an agentless (no outside system required) approach. During this training we will cover what Ansible is, how to set up Ansible, and use Ansible to create reproducible server configurations.

Intro to Ansible
Intro to Docker

Intro to Docker

Getting down with Docker 9 H 39 M

In this training, our trainer give a general overview of what to expect in the upcoming Intro to Docker training. They cover topics like who is the intended audience, what the scope of the training will cover, and what are some specific topics that will be addressed.

Intro to Docker
Intro to Git

Intro to Git

Distributed version control 3 H 31 M

Version control is a cryptic yet essential part of a software development team. Git is a distributed version control system that allows collaboration and management of large scale software products (as well as other types of projects). In this series, you will get started with Git. You will be shown how to create a repository, save changes in the repo, link to a remote server (GitHub), and finally a basic collaboration workflow. If you are just getting started in software development or you need to know more about the tools that your team is using, then join us as we ‘git’ started.

Intro to Git
Intro to NodeJS

Intro to NodeJS

Breaking JavaScript out of the browser 10 H 2 M

In this training, Our trainer give a general overview of what to expect in the upcoming Intro to NodeJS series. They cover topics like who is the intended audience, what the scope of the series will cover, and what are some specific topics that will be addressed.

Intro to NodeJS
Intro to NumPy

Intro to NumPy

Fast Numbers with Python Ease 4 H 52 M

In this series, we cover the basics of using NumPy for basic data analysis. Some of the things that are covered are as follows: installing NumPy using the Anaconda Python distribution, creating NumPy arrays in a variety of ways, gathering information about large datasets such as the mean, median and standard deviation, as well as utilizing Jupyter Notebooks for exploration using NumPy. If you are looking to get started with NumPy then join us!

Intro to NumPy
Intro to PHP

Intro to PHP

Getting started with PHP 3 H 57 M

In this training, we look at a brief history of PHP and what it is used for. We then get our environment set up to begin working on our first PHP file.

Intro to PHP
Intro to React

Intro to React

Core Fundamentals 2 H 18 M

In this training, Our trainer walk through the beginning of learning ReactJS. trainer focuses on the prerequisite knowledge such as features of the JavaScript language that you should be familiar with, usage of build tools such as Webpack to develop and produce builds, as well as the nuance features of React. Over the course of the training, trainer takes a simple, plain JavaScript application.

Intro to React
Intro to Redux

Intro to Redux

Scalable state management 2 H 7 M

Redux is the implementation of the Flux pattern which is best know as a proposal by Facebook for organizing complex web applications. However, getting started with Redux in the context of building complex applications can be a little intimidating. In this series, Redux architecture will be treated from the ground up, starting with a simple Node application that demonstrates the use of a single reducer, a simple store, and a basic set of operations using the store. As the series progresses, we will explore the use of action creators, code organization patterns in the context of Redux, as well as how to manage increasing complex state objects. If you want to understand Redux without the complication of React or other additions, then tune in! Hope to see you there.

Intro to Redux
Intro to Ruby on Rails

Intro to Ruby on Rails

Quick Web with Ruby 8 H 6 M

Ruby on Rails is a web development framework built upon the Ruby programming language. This series covers the basics of Ruby on Rails including but not limited to: what is Ruby on Rails, getting the environment set up, creating a simple web application the Ruby on Rails way, and diving a little deeper into the methodology used in a Rails application. If you are looking to get started with Ruby on Rails, then we will see you there!

Intro to Ruby on Rails
Intro to Vue.js

Intro to Vue.js

Reactive web framwork for the masses 9 H 59 M

Vue.js is a new kid on the block when it comes to frontend JavaScript frameworks. Vue.js combines some of the feel of Angular and React while keeping the learning curve very small. If you know JavaScript, then you already know a good deal about Vue.js. In this series, you will learn how to get Vue.js setup, use data binding, see how to handle events and much more.

Intro to Vue.js
Intro to Web Development

Intro to Web Development

Basic Theory and Beginning Applications 8 H 22 M

In this training, Our trainer give a general overview of what to expect in the upcoming Intro to Web Development series. They cover topics like who is the intended audience, what the scope of the series will cover, and what are some specific topics that will be addressed.

Intro to Web Development
Intro to Webpack

Intro to Webpack

Modern build processes 2 H 47 M

In the fast-paced world of web development, particularly in the realm of JavaScript rich applications, the need for build tools have become commonplace. Webpack is a newer build tool that has moved into the spotlight with the use of React and other JavaScript frameworks. In this training, we will trained you how to take ownership of your webpack configuration and setup to manage the transpilation of new JavaScript features to more compatible versions, manage static assets such as images, and add the use of CSS with and without preprocessing. If you want to remove the magic of Webpack, then join us!

Intro to Webpack
Intro to WordPress Development

Intro to WordPress Development

Extending WordPress 18 H 28 M

In this training, we look at a brief history of WordPress and what it is used for. We then get our environment set up to begin working on our first WordPress function.

Intro to WordPress Development
Learn GitHub Flavored Markdown

Learn GitHub Flavored Markdown

Easy Document Formatting 2 H 49 M

Markdown is a alternative to other markup languages such as HTML. There is a version that is a little more ‘fancy’ called GitHub Flavored Markdown. In this series, you will find out what GitHub-Flavored Markdown is as well as how to accomplish quick format tasks that simplify creating structure and some styling.

Learn GitHub Flavored Markdown
New Features in ES6

New Features in ES6

What’s new in the ECMAScript 6 language 8 H 5 M

In this training, Our trainer give a general overview of what to expect in the upcoming ES6 series. They cover topics like who is the intended audience, what the scope of the series will cover, and what are some specific topics that will be addressed.

New Features in ES6
Object Oriented Java

Object Oriented Java

Compile yourself a nice hot cup 13 H 32 M

Object Oriented Java
Object Oriented Python

Object Oriented Python

Coding the way the cool kids do 4 H 33 M

In this training, trainers explore the intricate world of Object-Oriented Programming(OOP), particularly in the context of the Python programming language. Starting with the basics of OOP, trainer demonstrates the creation of classes and associated objects from those classes. Moreover, our trainer demonstrates the use of Inheritance of classes to reduce code repetitiveness in an effort to adhere to the Don’t Repeat Yourself (DRY) principle. Lastly, our trainer builds a simple OOP centric text-based adventure. If you are ready to get into Object-Oriented Python, then join us!

Object Oriented Python
Programming Fundamentals

Programming Fundamentals

Starting your programming adventure…11 H 36 M

Have you wanted to see what this programming thing is all about? Do you have issues figuring out where to start? Well, this course will trained you how to get things set up and start with the basics of programming using the Python programming language. If you want to set up your machine, understand the basics of Python, and start understanding the basic tenets of programming, then please join us!

Programming Fundamentals
Python Data Model

Python Data Model

Magic Methods in Python Classes 12 H 44 M

Python has a set of protocols that the language internally adhere to which provides the functionality for features such as iteration, context manager behavior, string representation of an object, and many other things. When you create custom classes in Python and make use of these protocols then you can create custom behavior in the context of iterations, types, comparison of objects, operator overloading, and much more. Knowing about these will help level up your Python skills. If you are ready to progress forward in your Python prowess, then join us to learn more about the Python data model.

Python Data Model
Introduction to Programming Using Python

Introduction to Programming Using Python

Start Programming with Python 9 H 41 M

In this series, we are going to take a look at programming using the Python programming language. If you have tried to start before and just spun your wheels, then you should give it a try again. The progression of this course follows the Practice Labs environment for the same certification so there are supplements to each of those labs. Some of the topics that we are going to cover are: using basic data types and assigning those to variables, learning operations that can be applied to each of the data types, collecting information into a list structure, iterating over lists using both for and while loops, adding logic to our programs to add capabilities to our programs, and much more. We hope to see you there!

Introduction to Programming Using Python
Python for Security

Python for Security

Being Sneaky with Python 5 H 44 M

Python is a great language for learning, writing web applications, and manipulating data. However, Python can be used for security testing as well. In this series, we will explore the use of Python in such concepts as brute force password cracking, making SSH connections programmatically, creating socket connections and port scanner a particular host, banner grabbing from open ports, and more. If that sounds interesting to you, then please join us!

Python for Security
Python Programming

Python Programming

Programming Language 6 H 19 M

In this training, Our trainer give a general overview of what to expect in the upcoming Python programming series. They cover topics like who is the intended audience, what the scope of the series will cover, and what are some specific topics that will be addressed.

Python Programming
Reading and Writing Files

Reading and Writing Files

Input and Output for the Win 3 H

A staple of programming is manipulating data, particularly data saved in files. In this series, we will explore the facilities that Python provides for reading and writing files. If you want to get going with file-based fun, then we will see you there.

Reading and Writing Files
RESTful API with Express

RESTful API with Express

Where’s the data? Express to the rescue! 7 H 54 M

In this series, we creates a RESTful API using the Express web application framework. Our trainer review the process of setting up a Node-based project as well as installing the Express Node module. After that, trainer discusses important concepts and processes that are key in developing a RESTful API such as creating routes that correspond to data resources, data modeling of those resources, use of middleware to make the API a little more robust, and adding a persistence layer to the API. RESTful APIs are abound when developing software, so if that sounds like something interesting to you, then join us!

RESTful API with Express
Use the Standard Library

Use the Standard Library

The Power of Python 5 H 59 M

Part of the power of Python is the array of tools that come built into the language, known as the Python Standard Library. In this series, we take a look at the Standard Library, import from the Standard Library, as well as take a view of some of the more common modules, or parts, of the Standard Library. If you want to dive a little deeper, then we will see you there.

Use the Standard Library
Version Control

Version Control

“git”ting into Version Control 6 H 56 M

In this series, we take a look what version control is as well as the use of version control when creating software. After an overview of various version control systems, Our trainer dives into the use of git and GitHub to manage projects. Our trainer pays particular attention to the version control system and less on the programming portion for the first part. He explores creating a git repository, cloning repositories from GitHub, committing changes to a repository, using branches, collaborating with git, and more. If you are looking to get started with version control, specifically git, then join us there.

Version Control
Weather Application with Angular Express

Weather Application with Angular Express

Angular and Express… Putting it together!9 H 33 M

In this training, Our trainer give a general overview of what to expect in the upcoming Weather App with AngularJS and Express series. They cover topics like who is the intended audience, what the scope of the series will cover, and what are some specific topics that will be addressed.

Weather Application with Angular Express
Using Community Code

Using Community Code

Do not reinvent the wheel..8 H 17 M

In this series, we will explore the use of community code, or code written by others that to solve a particular problem or provide a particular functionality. We will explore how you can obtain these created solutions to increase your problem solving speed. In order to do so, we will explore the use of tools like pip, pipenv, and conda which are solutions to the fetching and managing of outside dependency requirements. If you are looking to solve bigger and bigger problems or just explore something of interest, then you will need help from others.

Using Community Code